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Searching Sweden [VIP Tier]
Welcome & Overview
Welcome to Searching Sweden! (0:24)
How to Navigate This Academy
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How to Ask Questions and Request Videos
What You Need to Know Before Getting Started
Repository Profile: An Overview of RiksArkivet (8:15)
Repository Profile: An Overview of ArkivDigital (4:14)
Repository Profile: An Overview of Ancestry (7:25)
Productive Habits: Creating a Research Plan & Log (15:17)
Productive Habits: Creating Detailed Timelines to Solve Mysteries (37:49)
Productive Habits: Writing a Narrative / Research Report (35:35)
Illustrating Your Family History (26:49)
Sweden's Culture and History
Sveriges Indelningar (Areas & Subdivisions of Sweden) (23:38)
Svenska Namn och Namntraditioner (Swedish Names & Naming Traditions) (32:31)
Helgdagar och Traditioner (Holidays & Traditions) (16:43)
The Emigration Experience (13:31)
The Most Common Swedish Records
The 6 Basic Record Sets (11:50)
A: Husförhörslängder (Household Examination Rolls / Clerical Surveys) (60:11)
B: Flyttlängder och Flyttningsbevis (Moving Records and Moving Certificates) (49:22)
C: Födelse- och Doplängder (Birth and Christening Records) (73:44)
D: Konfirmation- och Kommunionlängder (Confirmation and Communion Records) (67:50)
E: Lysnings- och Vigsellängder (Marriage Banns and Marriage Records) (62:33)
F: Död- och Begravningslängder (Death and Burial Records) (54:09)
Tracing an Emigrant Ancestor
The Top 15 Ways to Find an Ancestor's Home Parish (21:19)
Emigrantsökning i Passagerarlistorna (Tracing Emigrants in Passenger Lists) (29:36)
Svenska Församlingar Utomlands (Exploring Swedish Congregations Abroad) (23:10)
Emigrationsdatabaser (Emigration Databases & Registers) (23:50)
Folkräkningar och Befolkningsdatabaser (Census Records & Population Databases) (30:37)
Register över Obefintliga (Registers of Missing People) (31:50)
Norska Hamnar (Exploring Norwegian Ports with DigitalArkivet Norge) (15:06)
Danska Hamnar (Exploring Danish Ports with Dansk Demografisk Database) (8:50)
Finding Context: Recommended Reading on the Emigration Experience
Extra Credit for Serious Students (Advanced Swedish Research)
Historiska Tidningar i Sverige och Utomlands (Historical Newspapers in Sweden and Abroad) (14:44)
Svenska Gods & Gårdar (Swedish Farms and Manors) (31:40)
Testamenten och Bouppteckningar (Wills and Estate Inventories) (43:15)
Tomter och Kartor (Land Records and Maps) (37:11)
Sjömän och Fartyg (Sailors and Ships) (48:57)
Domböcker (Court Records) (58:35)
Special Interest Videos
Ordering from RiksArkivet (The Swedish National Archives) (30:19)
Barnhus och Barnhemsbarn (Orphans & Orphanages) (40:43)
Herdaminnen (Biographies of Clergy Members) (16:07)
Demografisk Database Södra Sverige (Demographic Database for Southern Sweden) (35:28)
RotemansArkivet (Finding People in Stockholm) (29:04)
Preparing for a Heritage Trip (18:37)
Recommendations for Visiting Sweden (30:12)
10 Minute Tips on Genealogy
Transcribing and Translating Old Letters (9:44)
Recording Source Citations and Links to Records + How to Download Records (9:07)
Finding Place Names Using Google Maps (8:48)
Ordering E-Books from Major European Libraries with EOD (7:41)
Case Studies & Webinar Replays
Case Study: Andrew Swanson's Origins in Sweden (55:18)
Webinar Replay: Finding Photos of Ancestors in Unexpected Places w/Guest Lisa Lisson (June 18, 2016) (59:41)
Webinar Replay: Identify Your Ancestor in that Photograph w/Guest Lisa Lisson (June 23, 2016) (56:18)
Special Offers from our Partners
Free Mini-Course from Swedish Made Easy (Courtesy of Dr. Anneli B. Haake)
Refer a Friend (Give 20%, Get 20%)
Get a $20 credit to Forever (courtesy of
Save 15% or $5 on a Printed Family Chart (Courtesy of Jane Tannen)
Save 20% on Modern Swedish Jewelry (Courtesy of AWNL Jewelry Sweden) (0:54)
Congratulations! You Did It!
Repository Profile: An Overview of RiksArkivet
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